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Youth Initiative Center at Lingua
Want to practice with Native Speakers?
Learn about topics that you are interested in….
For Free!
CLUBS:Clubs are for intermediate/advanced English learners who want to improve their English language skills and learn more about the following topics:
• Art
• American Culture and Cinema
CLASSES:Classes are for the intermediate/advanced English learners who want to improve their language and learn and practice their skills for:
• Business
• Critical Thinking

Classes will start on ….run once a week for 2 hours
Please e-mail for more information.
Our contacts are: YIC.Manager@gmail.com
To register for the interview call:66 55 14(ask ZarinaBagmanova).
Категория: События | Добавил: anna_gritseniuk (07.03.2013)
Просмотров: 346 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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